
National Diabetes Week – July 2019

Did you know that in 2014-15, an estimated 1.2 million Australians aged over 18 years of age had either type 1, type 2 or gestational diabetes? That’s 6% of the population and the prevalence of diabetes in Australia has tripled between 1989-2015.

Along with regular and safe exercise, blood glucose management and eye care, Diabetes Australia advises that foot care is a very important part of diabetes management. Diabetes increases the risk of damage to nerves in the feet, reduced blood circulation and increased risk of infection which can lead to foot ulcers or in some cases, amputations. It is therefore vital to check your feet every day and keep them clean and protected. Many people with diabetes work with Podiatrists and Diabetes Educators to develop a daily foot care routine, and here at GMobility we stock aids for daily living that may be of assistance in these foot care routines.

  • Easi-Grip Chiropodist Scissors: The long moulded handles on these scissors make them comfortable and easy to use as well as reducing the bending required when cutting toenails.
  • Long Handled Toe Washer: Designed to assist individuals with washing between toes while standing or sitting in the shower, without the need to bend. This eliminates the risk of falling and increases bathing safety for people with reduced mobility.
  • Terry Cloth Sock Aid: Allows for easy sock application without the need to bend, with a flexible and comfortable design that contours around the heel and two pulling tabs with loop handles for easy application.
  • Plastic Shoe Horn: Long handle provides excellent reach with minimal effort required by the user, assisting people to put their shoes on while eliminating bending and potential fall risk.

Australian Institute for Health and Wellness
Diabetes Australia

If you require more assistance in choosing the right equipment to suit your needs, contact our team today for more information. You can call us on 1 300 00 4662 or send an email to info@gmobility.com.au.